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Family tax topics

Adoption tax rules—you could get thousands in credits

Updated on: June 18, 2024

At a glance

  • Changes in your family life also affect your taxes
  • Tax benefits for adoption include tax credits for qualified adoption expenses and other child credits
  • The timings for claiming adoption expenses are different for domestic and foreign adoptions
  • How adoption can save you thousands of dollars on your taxes


Adopting a child into your family is a profoundly life-changing event. If you or someone close to you has had this experience, you know how many new feelings – love, concern, protection, pride – come into your life.

While the tax benefits of adoption are certainly not as emotional a part of your experience, they are still real.

First, know that there are financial benefits.

You could owe less to the IRS because of tax credits you may be able to take for many adoption expenses. Those expenses can include money you spend on the adoption process as well as some expenses once your child is in your home. You’ll come across the term “qualifying child” when learning about adoption tax rules. We have a handy definition and other key Rules for Claiming Dependents on Your Tax Return ready to help.

Second, the tax benefits for adoption include both the tax credit for qualified expenses paid to adopt an eligible child and money deducted from income if your employer offers adoption assistance. These lower the amount of taxes owed.

Tip: Employer paid adoption expenses can reduce your taxable income. The total excludable amount is the same as the allowed credit amount for the year, $16,810 in 2024. You can not use the same expenses for the excludable amount and the credit, but you can exclude the amount paid from your income and claim the credit on any additional expenses paid out of pocket. Remember to limit the exclusion and credit to the lesser of amounts paid or the max allowed amount for the year. 

Benefit #1 – Taxpayers can claim most adoption expenses

It makes sense that expenses increase with an expanding family. The good news is taxpayers can claim many expenses related to adoption:

  • Reasonable and necessary adoption fees
  • Court costs and attorney fees
  • Traveling costs (including money spent on meals and hotels while away from home)

As with any deduction, be sure to save paid invoices and other receipts. Taxpayers can apply these deductions to both the year that the adoption process began and the year the process is completed, so keep all those receipts in a safe place. 

The adoption credit is up to $16,810. That’s for each child. So, for two children, it’s up to $33,620 and so on. 


Benefit #2 – Adoption Tax Credit

Here’s a benefit that comes with an extra benefit – if your adoption expenses are greater than your taxes for the year, you can carryover the adoption credit and apply the balance to the following year. If the amount of the tax credit is more than the taxes you owe, you won’t get the extra amount as a tax refund. However, you can carry the remaining credit over and apply it in subsequent tax years until the credit is used up, or five years, whichever comes first. 

For example...

Let’s say you adopted one child in 2024. You paid $14,440 in qualifying adoption expenses credit on your tax return. But, if your total income taxes are $7,000 for 2024, then you can only apply $7,000 of your adoption credit on your 2024 return. That will leave you with no tax bill for 2024, PLUS you can carry over the rest of your tax credit— $7,440—to next year’s tax return -- and keep carrying your tax credit over until you take it all, or for 5 years, whichever comes first. 

 That’s a real help when you’re expanding your family. 


Did you know … ?

The adoption tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in what you owe on your federal taxes. It is not a deduction.


Did you know … ?

You cannot get a tax credit for adopting your spouse’s or ex-spouse’s children.

“Good to know” guide


Is your adoption “domestic” or “foreign”?

Qualified adoption expenses can be different, depending on the type of adoption.

domestic adoption is when a taxpayer adopts a child from the United States. Keep in mind that the adopted child must have been a citizen or resident of the U.S. or its possessions before the adoption process starts.

If the child wasn't a citizen or resident of the U.S. or its possessions before the adoption process began, it is a foreign adoption.


When can taxpayers claim adoption expenses?

The timing rules for claiming deductions are different for domestic and foreign adoptions.

For domestic adoptions, taxpayers can take qualified adoption expenses paid before the year of adoption as a credit for the tax year following the year that they were paid. Taxpayers can claim these credits even if the adoption doesn’t go through.

For foreign adoptions, the credit can be claimed for qualified adoption expenses paid when the adoption becomes final.

All adoptions are different, so we recommend that you check I.R.S. guidelines on Adoption Credit and Adoption Assistance Programs and talk to a tax professional.


For example...

You started the child adoption process in 2022 and paid $2,000. In 2024, the adoption failed, but in some cases your expenses are still deductible in the following tax years: 

  • In 2022, 2023 and 2024 if the adoption is for a U.S. citizen
  • 2024 if the adoption is for a child from another country. You can only claim the expenses if you successfully adopt the child.

Did you know … ?

You can claim qualified adoption expenses this year that may include expenses paid in a former year or years. Use IRS Form 8839.

What about adopting a special needs child?

The first thing taxpayers should know is how a child qualifies as special needs. Local agencies determine who is special needs. Children who could meet the definition include those with severe physical or mental medical needs as well as children who are hard to place and family groups.

Taxpayers adopting a special needs child could be eligible to claim the full amount of the adoption tax credit in the year they adopted – regardless of their actual expenses. 

Employers can be a big help

Employers can provide up to $16,810 of pre-tax adoption assistance. This is separate from the Adoption Tax Credit. Taxpayers can’t use the same expenses for both the employer paid-adoption assistance and their own adoption credit. 

What year should taxpayers claim tax benefits?

It can be tricky. Taxpayers should definitely save all of the paperwork: documents, receipts, and anything else related to the adoption. Which tax year claimed depends on:

  • When expenses were paid
  • Whether it was a domestic adoption or a foreign adoption
  • When, if ever, the adoption was finalized

The child and dependent care credit.

For 2024 taxes, taxpayers can claim a credit based on $3,000 in expenses for the first child and $6,000 in expenses for two or more children in daycare. The credit is a percentage, based on the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), of the expenses. There currently is no limit on MAGI to claim the credit. 

Looking ahead

Adopting is great and a wonderful event all on its own and getting some tax benefits certainly adds to the celebration. Be sure to understand the tax laws that can get you a bigger refund.

Remember, always keep in mind that the IRS is not responsible for making sure you get all your benefits, credits, deductions, or the biggest refund. That’s on you. But you can get the refund you deserve by increasing your own tax knowledge, finding a reputable professional tax preparation service, and investing your own time into the results.

The experts at Jackson Hewitt are ready to help guide you through the tax aspects of adoption. We have additional valuable information available online.

This content is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional tax or financial advice for any specific individual tax situation. Taxpayers should always consult a qualified professional for individual guidance. This information constitutes a solicitation under the Treasury Department’s Circular 230. Most offices are independently owned and operated.

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